The goal of Wishes & More ® is simple. We grant wishes to children with terminal and life-threatening illnesses and provide hopeful hearts, happy memories, and assistance to those who love them.

Program Highlights

After doctors found cancer in his lymph nodes, spleen and lungs, eighteen-year-old, Finn, immediately started treatments and spent many, many days confined to a hospital or resting at home. After enduring months of intense treatments, Finn met with our Wish Wizards and talked excitedly about creating a rugged, backwoods adventure in Alaska that he could experience with his Grandpa, his Dad and his little brother. Before he left for his trip, his scans came back clear and he can now endure a less intense maintenance routine as he heads off to college at Vermilion Community College in Ely to study Natural Resources! Wishes & More is thrilled to be able to be a part of this adventure as well by providing him with his Scholarship of Hope®.

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