We believe kids deserve long, wonderful lives. Or, at the very least, short, wonderful lives. We believe cancer sucks. We’ve had it, or loved someone who did. We prescribe moments of joy for kids who are in the fight against all serious illness. We believe joy grows exponentially when it’s used collectively. We are music medicine pioneers. We believe in purple. We know joy comes in all colors, shapes, and sizes – just like the kids we help. We love to laugh. We are not afraid to cry. We spend every dollar wisely. We give hugs freely. We believe in today. We respect our history as a grassroots organization. We embrace our destiny as a global source of JoyRx. We believe these things matter.

Program Highlights

“Music heals. This is a fact I do not take lightly. The distress in our teenager’s eyes as she lost the ability to speak, walk, write, to do anything at one point in her treatment was painful for me to see as her mom. CCA’s musicians played songs that she had requested in prior bedside jam sessions. Her eyes sparkled with each visit. Kira often retells this point in her journey, saying that hearing them play “HER” songs made her feel unique. She talks about wanting to break out of her locked body and sing along and feel normal.” — Sara, mom to Kira, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

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 CHC: Creating Healthier Communities is a catalyst for good health, bringing communities, nonprofits and businesses together around a shared commitment to better health and wellbeing. We represent thousands of high-impact nonprofits working to address barriers to good health and equity to power transformative change nationwide.